• Self Discovery and Empowerment Workshops

    My workshops and personal trainings help participants self discover. I teach people experiencially, hands on. They identify the challenges and release the traumas and beliefs that limit them. Contact me to learn more about how to find the rythym and balance as you tap into your strengths, release your limitations and go after your goals. Workshops can be a fun way to work collectively on a challenge with the support of others. It is possible to work through pain in a confidential manner. Participants will learn self help methods they can realistically apply afterward.  I can offer one day workshops on the following:


    • Life Transitions
    • Career Transitions
    • Women's Empowerment
    • Rebalancing My Wheel of Life
    • Partnerships
    • Finding My Joy
    • Parenting / New Moms
    • Healing the Emotional Issues of Disease
    • Dealing with Empty Nest
    • Grief and the Loss of a Loved One
    • Gaining Peace after Trauma
    • Divorce Recovery
    • Caregiver Burnout
    • Listening to My Body So I can Talk to My Soul
    • Stress Management
    • Letting Go of Anger, Embracing Peace
    • Giving and Receiving Love
    • Giving and Receiving Financially
    • Life and Death- Releasing the Fear of Both
    • Moving Out of Stuck
    • Finding the Deeper Lesson Under the Pain

    I can customize a workshop to your interest!

    Manage Your Stress